Estate & Trust Administration

At Schwartz Montoya Legal, we understand that the estate and trust administration process requires expertise, patience, and compassion. In your role as a personal representative, whether Executor, Trustee, or Administrator, we guide you through the complex legal process after a loved one passes. We simplify the process of transferring assets, providing thoughtful and
comprehensive consideration of the distribution options for you, your family members and other beneficiaries. We provide recommendations and advice, including quantitative analysis and evaluation of the available distribution options, but most importantly we listen to you to determine which solutions are most comfortable for you.

We recognize that we are working with you during a difficult time in your life and we hope to simplify the burden by using our experience and expertise to guide you as seamlessly as possible through the process. We only charge for estate and trust administration services on an hourly basis, so you can have us do all of the work or just use us for guidance and support as you
have questions. We believe that hourly fees rather than a percentage of the assets are the fairest way for us to charge for our services.

At Schwartz Montoya Legal, we take pride in being thoughtful, compassionate and kind when working with our estate and trust administration clients. We know through our experience that a collaborative partnership with our administration clients leads to the best results for their families.

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