An Estate Planning Summer Pack List

Summertime is (almost) here! Are you traveling this summer? We would love for you to share your travel plans and recount your vacation stories with us! Whether you’re going out of town, out of state, or out of the country, there are always a lot of things to do before you leave.

Here are a few “musts” related to your estate planning to do before you depart:

  • Make sure that your Will, Trust, and other important documents are up to date with the current landscape of your life. If you have minor children, confirm that the currently appointed guardians reflect your wishes.
  • Review to confirm that your beneficiary designations align with your current estate planning goals, and that there are not any outdated or blank designations (double check for any new accounts since your last estate plan).
  • Review your Financial Power of Attorney to confirm your primary and/or successor Agents are still appropriate (particularly in light of travel) to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so.
  • Review your Health Care Power of Attorney and Living Will to confirm your primary and/or successor Agents are still appropriate (particularly in light of travel) to make medical decisions for you if you’re incapacitated.
  • Inventory your important documents such as your insurance policies, titles and of course your estate planning documents, and be sure that a trusted family member or friend is aware of where they are safely stored (a fireproof safe is a great option).
  • Review and update your list of your digital assets/accounts and how you want them managed or distributed.

These few simple yet critical steps will give you peace of mind knowing your loved ones and assets are protected and give you the freedom to enjoy your vacation to the fullest. If you need help checking them off your list, give us a call or text our office at (412) 419-1005 or send us an email at to get started.

Safe travels this summer!

Travel with Peace of Mind – Free Downloads!

  • Estate Planning Organizer – a helpful tool that can assist you with organizing essential pieces of information about your financial assets.
  • Pet Information Sheet – a helpful tool to make sure vital information regarding your pet is easily accessible to others. 

Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

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